Tap here to Buy 'Why Should I Learn Drum Rudiments' £9.99 Download version available


Discover the beauty of drum rudiments and the numerous combinations that can be applied to the drum kit

  • 100s of exercises illustrating how to play and apply drum rudiments to the whole kit, in 45 easy to follow lessons!
  • Every exercise includes a sticking pattern to ensure you play the rudiment correctly
  • Improve the flow of your playing around the kit
  • Integrate rudiments into your everyday playing
  • Suitable for beginner-intermediate players
  • Ideal for students working towards nationally recognised exams
  • Covers all rudiment requirements up to grade 8 and beyond
  • Ideal for teachers who want to introduce and explore drum rudiments with their students
  • Fun way to learn and apply drum rudiments into practical drum fills                     Suitable for beginner to intermediate players

Book Reviews 

 DRMRGRL 5 stars Excellent Reviewed in the   United States on 2020

 In addition to including all forty rudiments,   Bestall provides examples of HOW to apply   rudiments to the Drum set. A complete and   uncomplicated table of contents lets readers   know what to expect. Excellent layout. Fairly   new and current book. I am so glad that I have   this in my library-this is exactly the type of   rudiment book that I have been looking for.

  Hello Brian,

 I have to congratulate you on writing and   producing such a clear book. From start to   finish there’s no doubt about the nature of the   exercises without the reader having to resort to   lots of wordy explanations-the exercises   themselves do the talking. Moreover, a   beginner who’s learned 16th notes could start   using the book, as well as intermediate and   advanced students who want to brush up on   their rudiments, practicing them around the   drums. In effect, the book could be for   drummers at any level. You have a definite   talent for organising and presenting material   in a clear and coherent way, so I’m sure you   must be a terrific teacher. I wish you the best   of luck in selling the book, and I look forward to   your next offering.

  Joel Rothman

 American Joel Rothmans is the renowned   author of over 100 drum and percussion   method books. 

 Tim 2019 Student. I bought this book from Brian   personally after a lesson (he’s a fantastic   teacher by the way if you’re in the Sheffield   area and can manage to grab him). I don’t   always get the time to practice as much as I’d   want but have learnt that improving my   rudiments WILL improve my playing. However   running down the Vic Firth chart on my wall   can be a bit tiresome. This book sheds a new   light by making them fun and applicable to   the whole kit. Lots of great ideas and plenty to   build on. Each rudiment is given 2 pages, the   left hand one for pad or snare and the right   hand one for the whole kit. The exercises also   contain other notes as well as the rudiments   so it’s great for brushing up your reading skills   and note values and avoid repetition of the   same thing over and over.Only scratched the   surface so far but looking forward to working   through and would recommend it as   something different for all drummers. 

Buy Now! It's All About The Grooves & Fills £9.99 download available

 It's All About The Grooves & Fills 

Learn to play basic Rock, Funk, Jazz and Latin grooves with rudiments fills that work best within that genre

  • Each exercise includes a sticking pattern to ensure you play it correctly
  • Includes basic Rock, Funk, Jazz and Latin grooves with rudiment fills that work best within that genre
  • Bite-Size Rudiment Builder-exercises specifically written to build your rudiment repertoire in small manageable Bite-Size pieces!
  • The Daily Workout- rudiment based snare drum exercise which includes a mix of Standard, International and Hybrid rudiments. Can be played as a warm-up routine before lessons, rehearsals or performances
  • Discover how to create one and two bar solos using single and multiple rudiment combinations around the kit
  • Covers all rudiment requirements up to and beyond grade 8
  • Learn how to play Grooves & Fills in odd time signatures

Suitable for beginner to intermediate players

Listen to music on Soundcloud Brian Bestall YouTube Channel Play Along To Metronome 60bpm Play Along To Metronome 80bpm The Daily Workout Play-a-long
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