"Lessons with Brian were always fun and relaxed"
"If you're looking for a fantastic drum teacher then you've come to the right place"
"We all thought you were a really good teacher full of patience and a sense of humour"
Thank you Brian

What students & parents have to say

"Lessons with Brian were always fun and relaxed, and he always challenged me to look at material with different approaches and applications. It is this diverse and holistic approach to drumming along with his enjoyment of drumming as a whole that helped me through my grade 8 and into my music performance degree alongside a post-grade 8 diploma in drum kit performance. I have now worked alongside a number of notable musicians both on the stage and in the studio; but I also work as a drum tutor, and regularly draw on the advice and approaches from Brian to help and inspire my own pupils"

Brian was a gentle influence on my son encouraging him with his drumming grades, playing in public was not our goal but a chance to learn a new skill and improve concentration and coordination over a period of time.
My sons comment about Brian when asked recently was 'cool' which I feel says it all.
 We all thought you were a really good teacher full of patience and a sense of humour.
Thank you Brian

 "If you're looking for a fantastic drum teacher then you've come to the right place. Speaking as one of his pupils I can say that this particular late-starting, previously self-taught, middle aged drummer has really benefitted from Brian's patient, sensitive and focussed approach to teaching. He lets you play, listens carefully and gently points you in the right direction. Brian is a brilliant drummer in his own right so he can always demonstrate how it SHOULD be done when necessary. He also provides plenty of written material and exercises for you to practice before the next lesson. As you'll see from James' comments, he can obviously teach up to Grade 8 and I'm proof that he can teach at a much lower level than that! He's a great drum teacher and a real gent!" 


"Brian taught my daughter to drum for several years from age 7 and she loved her lessons! He was able to engage and encourage her so that she enjoyed practising, growing in confidence and progressing, even though she wasn't interested in taking exams. The theory and technique she learned has stayed with her and helped her with her other instrument and with her Theory of music exam. Brian is a thorough, organised, skilled and talented teacher with a great sense of humour" - highly recommended!


Drum Circles and Workshops can make a difference 

Our teenage patients:

“This was the best part of my day -its normally boring. It helped me forget all the bad stuff” 

“It was so much fun it made us all laugh, we all laughed together and encouraged each other. I felt distracted and not anxious”


“It was fun, distracting and a good thing to do as a group with patients and staff. It helped us socialise with each other. It helped me forget about my worries and have fun”


And the staff:

“This was really uplifting. Great to see the kids laughing together! A real boost for us all!”


“The drumming was great and really improved the atmosphere on the ward. The kids really enjoyed it”


“Such a fun activity for our young people. It was nice to see them smiling and engaging with each other through drumming”


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